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A lot of people have been getting confused with logistics pipes. This is not their fault as this is a confusing mod. However, once understood, it can be very powerful. The idea behind Logistics Pipes is that you can route items in a "logical" manner by using logistics pipes. A series of interconnected logistics pipes and regular pipes is called a Network. If you just put these pipes in place of regular pipes and do nothing else, they won't make any difference in the system. You have to "teach" the system what to do with the items that pass through the logistics pipes.

General Networking Guide[]

A network is a set of all interconnected Logistics Pipes and the regular pipes (or pipes from other addons such as Additional Buildcraft Pipes) that connect them together. It is possible to have one really big network, or a lot of smaller networks. When an item reaches a Logistics Pipe of any kind, the pipes communicate to decide where the item needs to go, then the pipe routes the item in the correct direction to reach that destination. The item is also boosted by the Logistics Pipe similar to a Gold Pipe's speed boost. The regular pipes serve to bridge the gap between your fairly expensive logistics pipes.

You need a logistics pipe anywhere there is:

  • An adjacent inventory of any kind (can be a chest, but also a furnace, or a machine, or anything that can have items placed into it). The logistics pipe will decide whether to insert items into the inventory, send items onward, or even pull items out and send them off.
  • An intersection between pipes (i.e. the pipe is connected to 3 or more adjacent pipes). The logistics pipe will decide which is the correct direction for each item that reaches it.

If there is no adjacent inventory and no pipe intersection, you may use a non-logistics pipe to connect the pipes together. You will usually use:

  • Stone Pipe (not Cobblestone Pipes, though).
  • Gold Pipe (to accelerate items if your network bridges a long gap and you're not using Teleport Pipes).
  • Teleport Pipe (it is recommended to set both sides Receive = True, and also recommended not to use more than two teleport pipes per frequency, or routing may be delayed as items are teleported randomly, beyond the control of the logistics manager - an excessive number of teleport pipes on one frequency may break the network).
  • You can also use the basic logistics pipes to bridge gaps if you can afford them. Every time an item passes through a logistics pipe it will be boosted. When using only Logistics Pipes a speed of 1 block per tick is possible. If you were to use a long length of stone pipes, the items would lose a lot of speed in the same way they would if boosted by a Gold Pipe.

A few notes on logistics pipes in general:

  • All the pipes have identical routing capabilities and can perform them without configuration. Any item or itemstack reaching any type of logistics pipe will automatically be routed to where it is needed, regardless of the type of logistics pipe the item has reached. What separates the different types of pipes is in their other abilities (even the basic logistics pipe has abilities other than routing). Some pipes will need to be configured or they will only route items.
  • If an item reaches a logistics pipe and there is no valid destination to send it, it will be ejected into the world after a few seconds, and despawn in 5 minutes if not picked up by the player or any other object.
  • Logistics pipes normally do not check whether or not an adjacent inventory is full. Therefore, if the inventory is full, it will remain a valid destination. Any items directed to the pipe will be ejected behind the block with the inventory, and despawn in 5 minutes if not picked up.
  • When a logistics pipe is connected to other pipes, the stripe on the connection will turn red or green depending on whether it is a "non-routed exit" (red) or "routed exit" (green). A routed exit simply means that there's another logistics pipe beyond the exit. Therefore, exits leading into inventories or dead ends will be non-routed. When an item reaches a logistics pipe which is not the item's destination, it will be sent down the shortest path to its destination. If the pipe is the item's destination, it will be sent through any non-routed exit. If none exist, the item is ejected as a drop.
  • The logistics network can deal with any items that enter it, regardless of their origin (whether it be a logistics pipe pulling items from an inventory within the network, a wooden pipe pulling items from an inventory outside the network, an obsidian pipe collecting items, or even a Quarry directly outputting items into pipes).
  • To configure logistics pipes, you need a Wrench.
Crafting GUI

Iron Ingot

Stone Gear

Iron Ingot

Iron Ingot

Wrench (BuildCraft)

The Pipes[]

There are 8 types of standard logistics pipes, each with their own purposes in the network. Most of them need configuration to function, unless you are simply using the pipe to route items at an intersection.

Basic Logistics Pipe[]

This pipe is the simplest pipe, and is also required to craft all the other pipes. There are two recipes available for the basic logistics pipe, both of which require one diamond pipe to craft 8 basic pipes. While the second recipe requires much less gold, you will need an Assembly Table to make chipsets.

Without configuration, it will only route items. If you right-click on the pipe with a Wrench, a GUI will appear. You may place items or itemstacks into any of the 9 item slots. One important thing to know about all logistics pipes is that they use "fake items" - i.e. you don't lose the items you "place" into the pipe's GUI, and any items "taken out" of the pipe's GUI simply disappear. As well, while holding an item or stack, clicking on a stack of the same item will add or remove (depending on the mouse button) an item from the stack, and holding shift while doing so will add/remove 10 at a time. Finally, you can stack the fake items up to 127, including items that normally don't stack.

When you add items to the Basic Logistics Pipe's GUI, it will tell the network that "This is a valid destination for this item, and it has a medium priority." The priority simply means that items will be routed to higher-priority destinations first (which usually comes into play when using Chassis Pipes; see below). If multiple Basic Logistics Pipes have the same item, they are both valid destinations for the item, and the ratio of items in the pipes is supposedly interpreted as the desired ratio for items in the network. However, multiple users have reported that it sends all the items into only one of the pipes regardless of the ratio (usually the closer pipe).

Finally, the pipe can also be specified as a "Default Route" for items in the network. By default, this is "No". When changed to "Yes", it will tell the network that "This is a valid destination for any item that has no other destination." Default routes always have a lower priority than any other destination, so items will only be routed to a default route if there's nowhere else to stick the item. It is recommended to have a default route in your network, otherwise any item entering it without a destination will be ejected and probably lost unless you notice and pick it up manually (having to do stuff manually defeats the purpose of building a logistics network).

The Basic Logistics Pipe is used:

  • At any inventory which you want to sort a certain item(s) into. For example, if you want all the cobblestone entering the network to go into a chest, place a Basic Logistics Pipe adjacent to the chest and add a cobblestone to the pipe's GUI.
  • At any inventory which you want miscellaneous items to be stored. You will place a Basic Logistics Pipe adjacent to the inventory and set "Default Route" to Yes.
  • At any intersection of pipes. Such a Basic Logistics Pipe should be left unconfigured and will perform no function other than routing items to the correct destination.

Provider Logistics Pipe[]

This pipe is crafted with a Basic Logistics Pipe and a single Glowstone Dust.

This pipe usually does not need to be configured unless you need a more specific job done. It must be placed next to an inventory. By default, it tells the network "All the items in this inventory are available if requested." If any pipe in the network makes a request, the provider pipe may pull items out of the inventory as necessary to satisfy the request. A provider pipe can pull out about 5 items per second.

This pipe's GUI contains 9 item slots, an Include/Exclude button, and a button that lets you further restrict which items may be pulled (None, Leave last stack, Leave first stack, Leave first and last stack, Leave 1 item per stack). When you add items to any of the 9 slots, the provider pipe will either provide only those items, or any items except those items, depending on the Include/Exclude setting. If all 9 slots are left empty, any type of item can be provided.

"Leave first/last stack" is useful with certain inventories from the various mods, including the Thaumic Duplicator and Energy Condenser - you can use the setting to prevent the target item from being pulled. "Leave 1 item per stack" is usually used with the Polymorphic ItemSink Module (see below), which acts as a destination for any items of the same type as those in the connected inventory.

The Provider Logistics Pipe is used:

  • At any inventory which stores materials needed for crafting or which may be directly requested. Generally, the majority of your chests will have one of these connected, otherwise the inventory will be inaccessible to the network.

Request Logistics Pipe[]

This pipe is crafted with a Basic Logistics Pipe and either two Gold Gears or two Golden Redstone Chipsets, making it a rather expensive pipe.

This pipe can't be configured. Instead, when you right-click on it with a Wrench, a GUI will appear. This GUI shows all of the items which can be provided by the network, either directly or via Crafting Logistics Pipes, and how many of each item are currently available (items only available via crafting will display "0"). You can also check how the availability of an item has changed in the last 20 minutes. If there are too many different items, they will appear on multiple pages. To request an item, simply select it and click "Request". You can also change the quantity of the item you want to request, if you wish. The mouse wheel can be used to change the quantity as well, while Shift + Mousewheel will scroll the pages.

When you request item(s), it tells the logistics network "I need x amount of ______ NOW!" (highest priority) If the logistics network has the materials to fulfill the request (either enough of the requested item, or enough materials to craft the desired amount of the requested item), you will get "Request successful!" and the network will start pulling items to fulfill the request. When the items reach the request pipe, they will be fed into a non-routed exit, which usually means an adjacent inventory, or otherwise ejected from the network. If the network lacks the materials to fulfill the request, you will be told what is missing, and no items will be pulled. This can let you know if you're running out of certain raw materials or if you forgot to set up a Crafting Pipe for a certain intermediate item.

As an analogy, consider a fast-food restaurant such as McDonalds. The customer is a Steve with a Wrench, the cashier is the Request Logistics Pipe, and everything behind that cashier, including the kitchen, is the rest of the network. Let's say you want a hamburger. You "request" the hamburger by telling the cashier that you would like a hamburger and give them the payment for the burger. The cashier then tells the kitchen that they need a hamburger. Now, back in the kitchen, all the materials needed for a hamburger are pulled from where they are stored (Provider Logistics Pipes), the burger is cooked and assembled (Crafting Logistics Pipes), then the completed burger is sent to the cashier (Request Logistics Pipe), who gives it to you. Now let's say there are no more hamburger patties today. When you request the burger, the cashier (Request Logistics Pipe) will tell you that they are out of burgers and no burger will be made. The only difference is you don't have to pay your logistics network.

Crafting Logistics Pipe[]

This pipe is crafted with a Basic Logistics Pipe and 2 Glowstone Dust.

You must configure this pipe in order for it to do its job, otherwise it will just route stuff like a basic pipe. You must place it either next to an Automatic Crafting Table or on the input side of any machine which can process items. A properly configured crafting logistics pipe will tell the network "I can craft x amount of this item if I get {list of items}." If an item is requested and is not available directly, but the Crafting Logistics Pipe can craft it, the pipe will see if the required materials are available for it to fulfill the request via crafting, and tell the requestor what it can provide. If said request goes through, the crafting logistics pipe will have the materials it needs pulled into the network and sent over to itself, and the crafting logistics pipe will pull the output material and send it over once it has been made or can be made. Crafting Logistics Pipes can be chained, so it's possible to have all your raw materials converted into Diamond Gears on request.

Right-click with a Wrench to open the GUI. There are 6 input slots, 3 satellite slots (see below), and 1 output slot. The normal input slots will tell the pipe what the required materials are for the crafting recipe (e.g. 2 Wooden Planks for sticks). You may stack the items within the pipe's GUI, saving slots for bigger crafting recipes. In the output slot, you place the item(s) that will be created from the crafting (e.g. a stack of 4 Sticks). Now, the pipe knows that it can give the adjacent inventory 2 Wooden Planks and it should be able to get 4 Sticks from it. If this is not the case, it can mess up your entire network. The satellite slots tell the pipe that those items are also needed as input, but that they should be sent to a Satellite Logistics Pipe. The ID for the Satellite Logistics Pipe where the materials should go must be specified. Finally, if you click the "Import" button, and an Automatic Crafting Table is connected, the pipe will automatically configure itself for the recipe in the table.

Beware of making large requests when crafting is needed - these pipes don't care about the connected block's capacity and will spill excess items, jamming your network up.

Note: The pipe itself does not do any crafting or processing itself - that is the adjacent block's job. The pipe's only ability is to request the materials it needs and pull the output when it's ready.

The Crafting Logistics Pipe is used:

  • With an Automatic Crafting Table to craft items. You must configure the Automatic Crafting Table itself with the recipe first (do not take the crafted item out of the table). Once the Automatic Crafting Table is configured, right-click the pipe with a Wrench, and click on Import.
  • With any machine (such as a Furnace, Macerator, or whatever else you can think of). The pipe does not know which slot the input is supposed to go, so you must connect it to the correct face (e.g. top face for a standard furnace). You do not need to place anything inside the machine. Right-click the pipe with a Wrench, place the item(s) that are needed as input in the input slots, and place the item(s) that the machine will produce from those in the output slot. The Crafting Logistics Pipe will wait for the machine to do it's job, then pull the output items out as they are made.

Satellite Logistics Pipe[]

This pipe is crafted with a Basic Logistics Pipe and 2 Redstone Dust.

This pipe doesn't do anything by itself (except route passing items). It only works in tandem with a Crafting Logistics Pipe. First, you must right-click it with the Wrench and give it an ID (other than the default 0). Next, you must go to your Crafting Logistics Pipe and right-click it. Select the satellite pipe's ID in the Crafting Pipe's GUI, and place the items you wish to be sent to the Satellite Logistics Pipes per output into the three "Satellite" slots. When you select the Satellite ID, a green or red box will appear - green means that the Satellite Pipe is part of the same network and can be used; red means it's not and invalid for use. Now, these items will be routed to the Crafting Pipe, and the Crafting Pipe will immediately route these over to the Satellite Pipe. You use the Satellite Pipe when you need items to go into two different locations or into two different faces of the same machine to successfully make the output item.

The Satellite Logistics Pipe is used:

  • When a crafting recipe includes unstackable items. Without the Satellite Pipe, the unstackable item would be ejected and the crafting would fail. With the Satellite Pipe, you can send the item into an adjacent chest, which the Automatic Crafting Table can utilise. For example, let's say you want to craft Quarries (1 redstone dust, 3 iron gear, 2 gold gear, 2 diamond gear, and a diamond pickaxe) with your logistics network. You will place the Automatic Crafting Table and draw the Quarry recipe in the table, then connect the Crafting Logistics Pipe to the table. Next to the table, place a Chest, and attach a Satellite Logistics Pipe to the chest. Set the Satellite's ID. Now, go to the Crafting Logistics Pipe and import the recipe from the table. Remove the diamond pickaxe from the input slot, and put it in a Satellite slot (you can temporarily take the one from the crafting table after importing), and set the Satellite ID to the same ID of the satellite pipe. Now, when you request a Quarry, the redstone and gears will go to the crafting pipe and be placed in the table, while the pickaxe is redirected to the satellite pipe and placed in the chest. The Crafting Logistics Pipe will then be able to pull out a Quarry from the table and send it to the requestor.
  • To give a furnace or machine fuel to complete its operation. For example, with a vanilla Furnace, you can attach the Crafting Pipe to the top and the Satellite Pipe to the bottom. Set the ID of the Satellite Pipe and match it in the Crafting Pipe. Place 8 of your unsmelted item in the Input, 8 of your smelted item in the Output, and 1 Coal or Charcoal in the Satellite. Now, when you request the smelted item, it will take the unsmelted item (in multiples of 8), take 1 coal for every 8 items and send them to the Satellite, smelt the items, and send the smelted items as they are completed to the requestor. Excess smelted items will be sent to the highest-priority destination.

Supplier Logistics Pipe[]

This pipe is crafted with a Basic Logistics Pipe and 2 Lapis Lazuli.

You must configure this pipe in order for it to do its job. In its GUI, 9 item slots appear. When you place items or stacks in this GUI, the pipe will try to keep those items stocked in the adjacent inventory (if there is none, this pipe won't work). It will only try to get up to the quantity of items placed in the GUI (e.g. if you put one stack of cobblestone in, it will only try to fill up the adjacent inventory to one stack - no more). The pipe acts as a high-priority destination, and automatically requests the items it still needs every few seconds. If the request can be fulfilled, items will be pulled and sent to the supplier pipe. If the request can't be fulfilled, and "Allow Partial Requests" is set to No, no items will be pulled. If "Allow Partial Requests" is set to Yes, the network will send whatever it can to the supplier pipe.

The Supplier Logistics Pipe is used:

  • To keep a chest full of materials that the player may need to take from at any time (e.g. a stockpile of Arrows).
  • To keep a machine filled with input materials so that they can be processed immediately, rather than when the processed material is needed by a request.

Liquid Supplier Pipe[]

This pipe is crafted similarly to the Supplier Logistics Pipe, but with 2 buckets added to the recipe.

This works similarly to the normal Supplier Logistics Pipe, except that it works with items that can contain liquids (i.e. buckets of water, lava, oil, and fuel). It must be connected to a machine with an internal tank for liquid (e.g. Geothermal Generator), and it will automatically request liquid-holding items needed to stock the tank with the specified liquids to the specified level.

Builder Supplier Pipe[]

This pipe is crafted with a Basic Logistics Pipe, an Ink Sac, and a Dandelion Yellow.

This pipe does not need configuration. Instead, it will check the Builder to see what it has and what it needs, and request any items that it still needs to finish construction. Simply connect it to the Builder.

Logistics Chassis and Modules[]

As well as the 8 standard types, there are also 5 Logistics Chassis Pipe. Unlike the other pipes, these pipes need to be configured by adding modules. The five types of chassis pipe are tier-based, with each tier having more slots for modules (1, 2, 3, 4, then 8 modules).

There are a few key differences between Logistics Chassis and standard Logistics Pipes:

  • They must be connected to an adjacent inventory to do anything other than route items. An orange stripe should face the connected inventory. If the orange stripe is not connected to an inventory or it is connected to the wrong inventory, hold Shift and right-click with your Wrench to change the direction of the orange stripe.
  • They will detect if the adjacent inventory is full, and reroute the items to the next valid destination instead of dropping them. Destinations with a higher priority are tried first before low-priority destinations.

The various modules give the pipes different abilities, and you can mix and match them for the desired function. This can also let you use fewer pipes, as you can use one logistics chassis with several modules rather than several of the standard pipes. Many of the modules are designed to work with each other, meaning that the Logistics Chassis become much more useful the more you use in your network. Inversely, some of these modules don't work well with the standard pipes (e.g. Terminus Module + Basic Logistics Pipe, or Passive Supplier Module + Provider Logistics Pipe), so using these pipes may be more complicated at first.

Every module requires that you craft a Blank Module first:

The Blank Module has no use except in crafting the other modules.

To add modules to a Logistics Chassis, right click with a Wrench. Once you place your module(s) into the GUI, you can click the ! button next to the module to configure the module.

Some modules replicate the functionality of some of the standard pipes, but with the advantages of the chassis pipe (i.e. not dumping items when the inventory is full). Others seem similar to a standard pipe but have a key difference that means you can't substitute the module for the standard pipe without replacing a lot of your pipes with chassis pipes. Finally, some modules provide new functionality that can enhance your network beyond the capabilities of your standard logistics pipes.

ItemSink Module[]

This works similarly to the Basic Logistics Pipe (see above), and its configuration uses the same GUI as the Basic Logistics Pipe. It acts as a medium-priority destination, just as the Basic Logistics Pipe does, until the connected inventory is full.


  • Similar to a Basic Logistics Pipe connecting to an inventory. It's particularly useful for inventories you expect to fill up, since it won't spill the excess items and instead reroute them to wherever you wish.

Polymorphic ItemSink Module[]

This works similarly to the ItemSink Module but has no configuration. Instead, it looks into the attached inventory and acts as a medium-priority destination for any items matching those in the attached inventory. When a Provider Pipe is attached to the same inventory, you will usually want "Leave 1 item per stack" so that the last item isn't pulled out, leaving the module useless and the inventory sitting empty for no reason.


  • Similar to a Basic Logistics Pipe connecting to an inventory, except when you have too many different items to configure an ItemSink Module or Basic Logistics Pipe.

Provider Module[]

This module is self-explanatory - it allows the chassis to behave just like a Provider Logistics Pipe (see above). It can be configured in the same way as one. A chassis with just a Provider Module will function nearly identically to a Provider Logistics Pipe.


  • To replace a Provider Logistics Pipe when you have a chassis attached to an inventory.

Passive Supplier Module[]

This module is quite similar to the Supplier Logistics Pipe and its configuration has the same GUI. A logistics chassis with this module tells the network "This is a valid destination for {amount(s) of item(s)}, and it has a HIGH priority!" However, unlike the Supplier Logistics Pipe, it does not send requests, therefore items will not be pulled from Provider Logistics Pipes for this module. You will need to pull them out with a wooden pipe, Extractor Module, or QuickSort Module.


  • Replace your Supplier Logistics Pipe when you only want items newly-entering the network to go there, or if you're using a lot of Logistics Chassis and are using Extractor Modules and QuickSort Modules on the majority of your inventories.

Terminus Module[]

This module is similar to the ItemSink module, and its configuration is similar. However, it instead tells the network "This is a valid destination for this item, but only if there is no other valid destination specifying the item (low priority)." It is of a lower priority than the ItemSink, and lower priority than any other destination except for a default route (Default Route always has the lowest priority). Items will not be directed to the Terminus Module unless there are no Basic Logistics Pipes for the item, the Supplier Pipes and Passive Suppliers are satisfied, and the inventories connected to an ItemSink are full. If there is a Basic Logistics Pipe set up for the same item, the Terminus Module becomes useless as that Basic Pipe will always be a valid destination, even when it is dropping items due to the destination becoming full - replace that pipe with an ItemSink Module.


  • Use for items that you expect to otherwise overflow your logistics network to send them somewhere specific to deal with them. For example, if you have a cobblestone generator feeding your network, you can put a few ItemSink modules on chests for cobblestone, then one more chest gets a pipe with a Terminus Module. Once those other chests are full, the cobblestone will be redirected to the Terminus Module, where you can send off that cobblestone outside the network to, say, a Recycler, or a lava pit.

Extractor Module[]

This module is similar to a Wooden Pipe, as it pulls items out of the connected inventory. However, when you configure the module, you can make the pipe act like it's pulling from a different face than it is actually attached to. The standard version pulls an item every 5 seconds while the Mk2 pulls an item every second.


  • Any inventory which should send its contents to other inventories in the network, such as the output of a machine that's fed by a Supplier Pipe or Passive Supplier Module.

QuickSort Module[]

This module only works if it is connected to a chest or other large inventory, and is one of the most powerful modules (in terms of how quickly it can deal with items). Every few seconds, it checks the adjacent inventory to see what is inside, then checks if there are any valid destinations (other than default routes) for those items. If destinations exist, all items with a valid destination will be pulled out - stack by stack - from the chest, and routed to the highest-priority destination.


  • Attach it to a chest which receives the output from a Quarry, another mod's automatic miner, or even what you mine manually when you decide it's time to go caving. It will automatically send out everything with a destination, sorting it into the various inventories in your network, and any item with no specified destination will stay in that chest until you give it a destination or take it out.
  • Attach it to your "Default Route" chest. This way, when you expand your logistics network and give more items specific places to go, the items will automatically be pulled from the default chest and moved to the correct place.


Network Monitor[]

This will let you check how many items are coming from or going to the pipe, and the total number of items the pipe has sent, received, and relayed, both in the session and in total. You can also see what kind of pipe it is in case you forgot and don't recognize all the symbols on the pipes.

Remote Orderer[]

Right click any logistics pipe with this, and it will bring up the Request GUI, similarly to if you right-clicked a Request Logistics Pipe with a Wrench. You can then request items, which will be directed to that pipe and either sent through a non-routed exit or ejected. Useful when you are working on your network and need something fast, or when you are debugging your network and need to see how items are moving through the network when you make a certain request.


Let's say you want a small network that crafts Diamond Pickaxes, because you love Diamond Pickaxes and have nothing else to use Diamonds or Sticks on.

First, you'll need chests to hold the materials you gather. Make 3 chests and place them down. Now, you can connect a Basic Logistics Pipe to each one. With a Wrench, you can configure each pipe for which items should go into that chest. Set one pipe to receive diamonds, one to receive wood (and perhaps planks and sticks), and one to be the default route for everything else. Make one more chest, connect a wooden pipe and your choice of engine, and connect this to your network. Now, you can throw anything you mine or chop into that chest and it will be sent into the diamond chest, the wood chest, or the default route chest. You can also connect the output from your Quarry to the network and it will be sorted.

Next, connect a Provider Logistics Pipe to the diamond and wood chest and perhaps the default chest too. These do not need configuration. Now, the items can be pulled from these chests as needed.

Next, place down 3 automatic crafting tables. Set them to the following recipes:

Crafting GUI


Wooden Planks

Crafting GUI

Wooden Planks

Wooden Planks



Don't take the crafted items out of the tables. Next, place down your three Crafting Logistics Pipes. Right click each with your Wrench and click "Import". Now, these crafting tables will craft as needed when there's a request.

Finally, attach a Request Logistics Pipe to the network. Now, whenever you need a diamond pickaxe, you can right-click this pipe with a Wrench, select the Diamond Pickaxe, and click Request. 3 diamonds will be pulled from the diamond chest, 1 wood will be pulled from the wood chest. The wood will be crafted into planks, then sticks, and two sticks will be sent to the final crafting table with the diamonds. The diamond pickaxe will be crafted and sent to the request pipe.

Note: The crafting pipes will only take the type of wood in their configuration to craft planks, and likewise for sticks. For example, if you configure them for Oak Wood, they will only use Oak Wood, not Birch Wood or any other type of wood.


  • Don't try to build a massive sorting system that can sort every item and craft every item in the game from the get-go. Start small, and slowly add to your network as you go. For example, start with something that just sorts your cobblestone, dirt, gravel, flint, and ores from a Quarry, with miscellaneous items being directed to a default route. Then, add a system which will automatically take those ores, macerate them, smelt them, then sort the ingots into chests. Then, add a request pipe, a chest to sort wood into, and some autocrafting tables with crafting pipes to deal with tedious recipes such as the one for Diamond Gears. Then, set up an autocrafting system that will let you request more logistics pipes. Eventually you will have a very powerful and sizeable network.
  • Try to use the chassis pipes and ItemSink module instead of the basic pipe as soon as possible. These don't spill items and let you set up more complicated things with chassis pipes (e.g. stuff with the Terminus Module) later without having to redo your entire network. Consider replacing your provider pipes too, as your network will be much more compact if you use a single chassis pipe as opposed to multiple pipes. Continue to use basic pipes wherever they are only needed for routing (i.e. at an intersection).
  • Check out videos like this one: